
About npNOG

npNOG is an open forum for sharing and discussions of issues of technical and operational relevance for the Internet community in Nepal. The objective of this forum is to improve sharing and cooperation between network operators, academics, and enthusiasts.

एन्पिनोग (नेपाल नेटवर्क अपरेटर्स ग्रुप) इन्टरनेट सेवा प्रदायक र सूचना संचार प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा कार्यरत व्यक्ति एवंम संस्थाहरुको समूह हो जसले नेपालको इन्टर्नेट समुदायबिच समन्वय र सहकार्य बृद्दि गर्ने भुमिका खेल्दछ। नेटवर्किङ एवंम सूचना तथा संचार प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा लागेका व्यक्ति, व्यवसायी, अनुसन्धान अनि शिक्षणमा संलग्न व्यक्ति र संस्थाहरू का बीच यस क्षेत्रमा विश्वमा भइरहेका उत्कृष्ट अभ्यासहरुको बारेमा छलफल एवंम अनुभव आदान–प्रदान गर्न सहयोग गर्नेछ।

Anyone is free to join and participate in the community by complying with its terms and conditions.

About npNOG Mailing List

The npNOG mailing list is open (sometimes moderated) mailing list providing a forum for the discussion of technical and operational information by network operators. Anyone is free to join and participate in the community. The list can be used to ask questions, disseminate information and share operational know-how.

Partners and Sponsors

npNOG would like to thank partner organizations for their long-term commitment to npNOG activities and events.

  • Internet Exchange Nepal (npIX)
  • Internet Service Provider Association of Nepal (ISPAN)
  • Nepal Research and Education Network (NREN)

npNOG events have been possible due to huge support from Nepal Government and sponsorship patronage from internet industry leaders. We would like to thank them all for their support and encouragement. All sponsors are acknowledged on the respective event websites.
