
IPv6 Deployment Workshop: Agenda

Time Schedule

Schedule Time
Session 1 09:30 − 11:00
Break 11:00 − 11:30
Session 2 11:30 − 13:00
Lunch 13:00 − 14:30
Session 3 14:30 − 16:00
Break 16:00 − 16:30
Session 4 16:00 − 17:30


FL Name Email Organization
RP Ram Krishna Pariyar pariyar(dot)ramkrishna(at)gmail(dot)com SUBISU
KS Kabindra Shrestha kabindra(at)pch(dot)net PCH
KM Kijush Maharjan kijush.maharjan(at)gmail(dot)com Worldlink Communications
VP Vivek V Padale Juniper Networks


MONDAY Topic Presentations  Exercises 
Session 1  Introductions, Objectives  PDF 
Venue Information  PDF 
Routing Basics  PDF 
Session 2  Lab Setup  PDF 
Address Plan
Introduction to IPv6  PDF 
Session 3  IPv6 Standards and Protocols  PDF 
Session 4  IPv6 Lab Setup  PDF 
Address Plan
IPv6 Addressing  PDF 
Session 1  IPv6 Addressing Lab  PDF 
Session 2  Introduction to IS-IS  PDF 
Session 3  IS-IS Lab  PDF 
IPv6 Routing Protocols  PDF 
IS-IS for IPv6  PDF 
Session 4  IPv6 IS-IS Lab  PDF 
Introduction to BGP  PDF 
Session 1  iBGP Lab  PDF 
BGP for IPv6  PDF 
Session 2  IPv6 iBGP Lab  PDF 
BGP Scaling Techniques  PDF 
Session 3  BGP Route Reflector Lab (IPv4)  PDF 
BGP Route Reflector Lab (IPv6)  PDF 
Session 4  IPv6 Transition Planning  PDF 
IPv6 Deployment Planning  PDF 
Session 1  BGP Attributes  PDF 
Session 2  iBGP and eBGP Lab  PDF 
Address Plan
Session 3  IPv6 iBGP and eBGP Lab  PDF 
Address Plan
Session 4  BGP Policy Control  PDF 
Session 1  IPv6 Security  PDF 
Session 2  IPv6 BGP Route Filtering Lab  PDF 
Session 3  IPv6 BGP Route Filtering Lab (cont) 
Certificate Presentation 
Q&A and Closing 

Further Reading