Calendar and Venue
Date: Jan 28 to Feb 1st, 2024
Time: 09:30 – 17:30 NPT (GMT+0545)
Venue: Hotel Aikawa, Nikunja Chowk, Sauraha, Chitwan
Workshop Details
1. Network Essentials
- Dibya Khatiwada – PCH
- Rupesh Basnet – Om Networks
- Rupesh Thapa – Subisu Cablenet Ltd.
- Santosh Majhi – Worldlink Communications Ltd.
- Kamlesh Yadav – Worldlink Communications Ltd.
- Sabin Paudel – Subisu Cablenet Ltd.
Target Audience
This course is targeted to Technical staff who are involved in Internet technology standards, local and national network infrastructure planning & deployment, and day-to-day network operations.
It is assumed that participants have a basic understanding of:
Network Operations, Internet technologies, OSI reference model and TCP/IP.
Basic command line (CLI) skills.
It is assumed that the workshop participants have a working knowledge of IP Routing, and are comfortable with basic linux commands and how to use a router command line interface. This workshop is not an introduction. The lab exercises use Cisco IOS configuration syntax.
Course Outline:
Networking Essentials Workshop: Layers 1-3, Monitoring and Troubleshooting.
Day 1 – 1.5
TCP/IP Model – OSI Model
Campus LAN Design Principles
Layer 1
Wired Network
Optical Network
Wireless Network
- Day 1.5 – 3
- Layer 2
- Layer 2 Fundamentals and switching
- VLAN and L2 Security
- Layer 3
- Overview of Internet
- IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Routing Fundamentals (Static, Dynamic)
- Network Security Fundaments and ACLs
- Hands-on LAB
- Layer 2
- Day 4-5
- Network Management and Monitoring
- DNS Fundamentals
- SNMP and monitoring tools (Uptime Kuma, Nagios, Cacti, LibreNMS, Smokeping)
- Log management and configuration backup
- Network Documentation
- Hands-on LAB
- Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
- Layer 1
- Layer 2
- Layer 3
- Packet capture and protocol analysis – Tshark/WireShark
- Network Management and Monitoring
Other requirements
Face to face – Participants are advised to bring their own laptop computers with high-speed Wi-Fi (802.11a/g/n/ac) and administrative access to system. It is also recommended that laptops have Intel i5 or i7 processor, >=8GB of RAM and 30GB of free hard disk space.
Software: SSH Client, Telnet Client, VirtualBox/VMware
Confirm Secure SHell (SSH) is allowed from the office or home network to access the lab infrastructure. Test ssh connectivity, try to connect to For example from the CLI type: ssh [email protected]